Why Square Dance?
What is Square Dancing?
Square Dancing is a dance from where groups of 8 people working as a team perform routines as directed by a person known as a caller.
Of course, this stuffy technical definition doesn't really do it justice. So let's explore modern square dancing. It will surprise you!
Modern Square Dancing is:
A joyful, rhythmic group dance done to all types of music and live singing.
A combined mental and physical workout.
A great way to meet new people and have lots of fun.
A cooperative sport where all work together to execute a series of calls in time with the music and caller.
Come get a taste of a fun, healthy and highly entertaining activity.
It stimulates mind, body and social life. Square Dancing is also theme parties, ie. Jungle Dances, Dresses Holiday Parties, etc.
Check out this Beginner's guide to Square Dancing!
Dance For the Health of IT!
Do you ever resolve to lose weight and exercise regularly? Many of us have only to become bored with a stationary bike, rowing machine or treadmill. Well now is the time to try square dancing and realize that exercise doesn't have to be a chore but can be both fund and beneficial to your health.
Calories - Dancing can burn as many calories as walking, swimming or riding a bicycle. One factor that determines how many calories you'll burn is the distance you travel. Square Dancers wearing pedometers during a dance covered five miles in a single evening.
Cardiovascular Condition - Regular exercise can lead to a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol profile. Experts typically recommend 30 - 40 minutes of continuous activity three or four times a week. The degree of cardiovascular conditioning depends on how vigorously you dance, how long you dance continuously, and how regularly you do it. If you come to class or workshop then attend a dance weekly you're halfway there!
Strong Bones - The side to side movement of many dances strengthens your weight bearing bones (tibia, fibula and femur) and can help prevent or slow loss of bone mass (osteoporosis).
Rehabilitation - If you're recovering from heart or knee surgery, movement may be part of your rehabilitation. Square dancing is a positive alternative to aerobic dancing or jogging.
Sociability - Dancing contains a social component that solitary fitness endeavors don't. It gives you an opportunity to develop strong social ties which contribute to self-esteem and a positive outlook. Companionship that regular square dancing offers is an antidote to depression and loneliness. Additionally, laughing at least 10 times a day keeps macrolytes high enough to prevent a person from catching most viruses and infections.
Memory - Remembering all the calls keeps the mind sharp, potentially staving off age-related memory loss.