President's Blog
Happy Monday Samena's,
It has been uncomfortably hot to dance in many halls, we are so fortunate to have an air conditioned venue.
The Mount Baker Callers and Cuers are continuing to host a weekly dance in our hall on Thursday eves from 7:00 to 9:00. They provide two callers each dance and are rotating through the local callers to bring you an opportunity to experience different voices and choreography. (Last week, Stephen Cole and Dave Harry took the stage) It's $8.00 at the door and a fantastic opportunity for floor time. The event is tabbed as a dance, however, if the floor blows up, the callers will do a quick walk through of the call, run it half speed for a couple of spins, and back to dancing. I have had a ton of fun and it is great to see Samena folks as well as dancers from other clubs.
Make sure you have August 10th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM for our Fall quarterly meeting on your calendar. This meeting is important to get your input on upcoming projects and we need to take a hard look at fund raising in addition to our annual dues. (Dues are payable in September and delinquent October 1st) Bring your ideas!
Tara Church has stepped up to coordinate our annual "Dance in the Park". Put August 24th on your calendar and look for communication from Tara in the immediate future.
Also in August, (I believe the dates are the 12,13,and 14) the dance floor in the Hall will be refinished)
Our lessons commence September 12th. As you are acutely aware, word of mouth is our best method to share and invite our friends and acquaintances to participate in an activity we all enjoy.
The Samena's have continued to field an excellent team of angels to help and mentor our students through the process. The Mount Baker Council and the Samena Squares have partnered together with the Fern Bluff Squares to provide two Angel workshops. The first, sponsored by the Samena's is August 17th from 2-5 PM at the Tri-way Grange (3509 Seattle Hill Road, Mill Creek). The second, sponsored by Fern Bluff is September 7th from 1-4 PM at the South Lake Stevens Grange (2109 103rd Ave SE, Lake Stevens) If you are considering angeling for our lessons (never evers or dyed in the wool) these workshops give you the tools (or sharpen your existing) to be a strong angel. BTW the workshops are free.
Next season's dance calendar is posted on the Samena website and you will note it is fleshed with our caravan schedule and a slate of excellent callers.
Bev Veenstra has stepped up to establish our dance host calendar. If you have a dance that you are itchin' to host, reach out to Bev to reserve your choices. This year we are putting a concerted effort into pairing an experienced hosts with new folks to make the experience more fun.
There is a lot more info I could pack onto this email, however, it is already long enough.
If you read all the way through, reply to me with "phew" and attend the quarterly, you will receive a nifty surprise.
Hope to see you in a square soon,
Gordon Ball
This is Dave Kalman (lessons coordinator for 2024-25), poaching on Gordy's blog to alert you to the dates for the two upcoming Angel workshops, sponsored by the Mount Baker Council. Feedback from graduating dancers in 2024 stressed the importance of Angels being well-prepared to assist student dancers, so please take note!
The Samena Squares are hosting the first Angel workshop August 17th from 2:00-5:00 PM at the Tri-Way Grange. Stephen Cole will lead us through best practices, tips and technique, how to bring success to our new students and how we all can be the best Angels possible.
September 7th, The Fern Bluff Squares are hosting the second workshop (also led by Stephen Cole). (NEW UPDATE: workshop will be from 2pm to 6 pm at the South Lake Stevens Grange.)
This will fit nicely into many clubs' commencement of lessons in September.
If you are planning to help out with lessons next year, please get these workshops on your calendar. There is also a written set of guidelines for Angels that we will post in August, that would be important review material.
Dave Kalman
I can't believe our last dance of the season is upon us. Don't forget, it is SATURDAY the 29th. Same bat channel and time. Brent Mawdsley will be calling and cueing to our Disney Theme.
This Thursday, 6/27, the MBCC are continuing the summer dances from 7:00 to 9:00 PM and we will be decorating for Saturday's dance. Come out, put up some decorations, dance a tip or three, and fun will be had by all.
On another note, Claire and I are the sole hosts at this point. The Samenas need help at the door and welcoming folks. If you are available, give Dena a call and let her know you're on board.
Hope to see you in a square,
Gordon Ball
The Samena's have two remaining dances in our current season. Our Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy dance is this Friday 14th. We will be decorating during the MBCC dance Thursday eve.
The following day we are having a fun family farm BBQ from 3pm to 7pm. This will be a great opportunity to catch up and share summer plans.
We will kick off the 2024/25 dance season with our opener (Steve Noseck and Karen Neverdowski) on Sept 13th.
We are on target for our annual club wide caravan to Winthrop for the Barn dance Sept 27 & 28.
The trip will commence with cinnamon rolls at the Barnhart Cle Elem cabin (9:00 AM), then off to lunch in Manson at the Blueberry Hills Restaurant. With full bellies, we travel on to Winthrop, get settled and attend the trail-in dance Friday eve. Our base of operations will be the Chewich Inn in Winthrop. (they have rooms and cabins. In addition, there is lodging available at many other venues in town and nearby) Saturday, we will converge on the Chewich for a Potluck dinner prior to the mainstream dance. Following the dance we will wind down and share the fruits of our winnings with an after/after party back at the Chewich.
In order to qualify for the "most members from a single club" competition, all the Samena's attending need to be registered by the 1st of September. (I have attached the flyer/registration form for your use)
In addition to the MBCC dances, the square crows are dancing once a month throughout the summer, we have our annual Dancing in the park event August 24th, and there are numerous demo events and fairs.
Check out the MBC web site at for a calendar of events.
Gordon Ball
It's June!
...and that means more Samena fun!
This month we're planning a Fun Family Farm BBQ! To be held Saturday, June 15th from 3pm to 7pm and beyond...!
Where? Stephanie Castner's Pony Farm -12215 189th Ave SE,Snohomish.
Kids welcome! Along with PONIES, there will be games and music and BBQ along with more surprises. The club will provide the beverages and meats with all the trimmings. Please bring a salad or dessert to share. Also this is a "bring your own chair" event. AND don't forget to wear farm appropriate attire.
Please mark your calendars and RSVP to Berni Bagger at for planning purposes by June 9th.
Looking forward to a fun day at the Farm with all of you!
Gordon Ball
Hello Samena's
It was really great to see our Members enjoying our anniversary dance. The Dudes and Dolls caravanned in and the floor was comfortably full.
This Friday, 5/24, will see Spyder Web calling our "Yankee Doodle Dandy" dance with Karen Neverdowski providing the choreography for the rounds. This is another great opportunity to kick up your heels and get your groove on.
Tomorrow, at seven, Stephen is leading a mainstream strengthening dance. We will also be installing decorations for Yankee Doodle.
We have two dances in June, these are our last in our regular season. Leo Catt and Brent Mawdsley will lead the charge.
We have reserved the 'Pavilion' at Marina Park in Kirkland for August 24th for our annual dancing in the park event. Mark your calendars now....more details to follow.
September 27-28, 2024 is the Winthrop Barn Dance. We are in the process of securing lodging (reserving several rooms). Please put the date on your calendar and plan to register by the 1st of September to be counted in the competition for most members from a single club. This tradition goes way back for the Samenas and it will be the first without Lorna.
For those obsessed with planning into the future, mark December 14th of this year for our Christmas party.
There are a number of special events, fairs, parades, and demo dances available this summer. Too many to mention here, However, if you go to the MBC webpage, you can navigate to the Home page and or Dance calendar drop down for a list of special events.
For summer dancing in our hall, the Mount Baker Callers and Cuers will be hosting dances on Thursday eves with different callers each week beginning in June. More to follow.
Hope to see several of y'all tomorrow eve.
Gordon Ball
Hello Samena's
First on docket.....The caravan outfits for the D&D caravan are Turquoise and White. (I was incorrect in stating winter colors in the last email)
The start time for the quarterly meeting on Saturday the 27th is as follows, we will commence setting up on the heels of the previous renter at 3:30 PM and the gavel will sound at 4:00 PM to convene the meeting.
I have attached a draft of the meeting agenda for your use.
Please bring some cookies and finger fruit for the meeting and the club will supply a variety of pizza to celebrate the day.
It appears the announcement of Debbie Taylor's celebration of life was not sent out to all members of the MBC. See below.
Coming up, next Sunday, April 28th is a celebration of life dance for Debbie Taylor at Cedar Valley Grange. Admission is free and there will be square & round dancing & potluck from 1:00 to 4:00.
See you all in a square
Gordon Ball
Hello Samena’s
Looks like spring has officially sprung. Our Garden Party Dance with Leo and Rochelle Catt was a ton of fun. The following day, our Caravan to the Rainbow squares was well represented with eighteen dancers. Kudo’s to Skip for organizing and setting up a great event.
The next few weeks have several very important activities.
April 26th is our club wide caravan to the Dudes and Dolls to celebrate their 73rd Anniversary dance. Scott Coon, Brent Mawdsley and Shawn Caveness will call at the Cedar Valley Grange. We will wear our red and black caravan outfits.
The very next day, April 27th we will hold our quarterly meeting at the Juanita Community Club at 3:30 PM. On the docket will be the installation of your newly elected officers, break out groups for dance themes and decorations and summer activities, eating tasty fare, and reports on the state of the Club. This is a very pivotal meeting. Do your best to attend.
May 10th is our 60th Anniversary Dance dedicated to Lorna Barnhart with Steve Noseck and Karen Neverdowski. The Dudes and Dolls will join us to ring in this auspicious occasion.
I am looking forward to seeing, dancing and working together with all of you soon.
The early spring quarterly meeting was held March 9th. The minutes of the meeting will be posted to the website soon. However, here is an overview.
The officer and committee chair reports were submitted.
We have requests for quotes to replace our caravan banners (coming soon)
Two callers have been replaced on this years calendar (health and family reasons)
Dance host calendar still need volunteers for the balance of the season
New business
Approved this years Anniversary dance would be dedicated to Lorna and a committee formed to complete the details
Next years dance calendar was approved (days we will be dancing)
Approved there would be three level dances next season
Ballots were cast for state federation officers and ByLaw changes
Nominations for Samena officers were entertained and the following elected
President =Gordy Ball, co president =Dan Blood
Vice President = Lori Castner
Secretary = Dena Burns Hunt
Treasurer = Greg Abbas
Alternatives to Treasurer manning the entry table were discussed and training "several cashiers" to rotate and keep the hours at the table to a minimum.
A lessons committee was formed to take on the duty of setting up and running twenty plus weeks of lessons. Dave Kalman stepped up to chair that committee.
Mauro Rizzi stepped up to chair the Caravan committee
Claire Ball stepped up to be the MBC representative along with Lee Barnhart
Shawna Blood stepped up to join the Social committee (they will choose a chair person from the committee ranks)
The current ads in the Footnotes online magazine were voted to be discontinued through the end of the year and a close examination to see if there is a measurable result in dance attendance
The April 27th Quarterly meeting will see the installation of the newly elected officers (come out and help ring in the new slate).
Participation in the interclub caravans brings support to our club and the clubs we visit.
There are three more caravans left in this year's dance calendar. Do your best to attend.
April 13th to the Rainbow squares. (Skip has sent emails to all y'all detailing the plan) Please RSVP ASAP
April 26th, The Samenas will be dark in order to attend the Dudes and Dolls anniversary dance. I fully expect to see the great preponderance of the Samenas at Cedar Valley Grange.
May 31st caravan to the Dudes and dolls
We are decorating for our "Oscars" dance tomorrow night and looking forward to Dave Harry putting on some great choreography Friday the 22nd.
We have a dance on April 12th.
Our 60th Anniversary dance will be called by Steve Noseck and Karen Neverdowski on May 10th. As noted above, this will be dedicated to Lorna Barnhart.
How many of you have spent a little time on the Samena website. There is a lot of information contained thereon.
Hope to see you in a square soon,
Gordon Ball
This has been a rugged month, to say the least. However, Saturday March 9th at 4:00 PM at the hall is a pivotal quarterly meeting. Nominations and elections of your officers will take place as well as staffing our committees for next year. Additionally, we have decisions to make regarding our dance calendar for the balance of the year, help in the dance host arena, help in the JCC arena, and thoughts of ways to make our dances draw more experienced dancers.
We'll brew up some coffee and if a few of y'all could bring cookies, fruit, cheese and crackers we will have something to munch upon.
I have attached the draft meeting agenda for your review
Please also put Thursday March 14th on your calendar. Our current class of square dancers are graduating. We have a celebration planned and would like as many club members as possible to attend the festivities and get to know each other. The hours are the same as lessons (7:00 - 9:00 PM)
Looking forward to seeing you all,
Gordon Ball
Agenda - Quarterly meeting
March 9th, 2024 4:00 PM
Juanita Community Club
13027 100 th Ave NE, Kirkland, WA 98034
Call to Order
Review minutes from last meeting or move to accept
Officer, Representative and Committee reports:
President Webmaster Social
Vice President Sunshine
Secretary Publicity
Treasurer Caravan
MBC Dance Host
JCC Photography
Banner replacement report
Dance Calendar revisited/replacement Callers.
Student Graduation March 14 th
Update and staff the dance host calendar!
New business
Dedication of Samena Anniversary Dance to Lorna (form committee?)
Nominations and election of officers
Committee chair volunteers and approval
Brain storm dance format, opportunities to attract more dancers
For your information current committee chairs/members are noted below:
JCC representatives = Lee Barnhart
MBC representatives = Skip Fuller and Lee Barnhart
Sunshine committee = Jeri Molloy chair w/ Cecilie Hudson
Caravan Committee = Skip Fuller chair w/ Mauro Rizzi & Dave Kalman
Publicity Committee = Co-chair Claire Ball and Maria Pia
Social Committee = chair is vacant w/ Lori Castner, Linda Fuller, Claire Ball, & Bernie Bagger
Dance Host Committee = Dena Burns chair w/ Ann Margerum
Misc notes and Calendar additions
Hello Samena's,
Lessons continue tonight and we will be decorating for Friday's dance. Brett Kappenman is calling and Karen Cueing. If you haven't danced to Brett, you will be missing an opportunity for some really fun choreography. Additionally, we have a caravan to the Fidalgo Fogcutters on Saturday. This is a plus dance with advanced rounds with Steve Noseck calling and Bob Berka cueing. It runs from 1:30 PM pre rounds and 2:00 to 4:00 Plus with rounds. Dance is held at Skagit Valley Grange 21273 Cook Road, Sedro Woolley. This is a super opportunity for our plus dancers to get in some floor time with a great caller.
We have rescheduled the upcoming quarterly meeting to March 9th at 4:00 PM at the Hall.
This is a very important meeting. The agenda includes election of club officers and selection of committee heads for our standing committees. Don't be surprised if the existing officers put the arm on you to step up and serve. I will throw my hat in the ring to continue as your president (or you can run me out on a rail). The Office of president has a co-president to help with the duties from mid December until the first of March (as your existing president is not able to attend the dances in that time period). Unfortunately, Lorna will not be able to fill that position going forward. Please seriously consider stepping up to serve in that capacity.
Additionally, Skip Fuller has been serving as your Caravan chair and your Mount Baker Council delegate. He has faithfully held those positions for many years and is ready to step down. Skip is willing to take his replacements under his wing and train them in the duties thereof. This is a great opportunity to serve the club and keep more abreast of square dancing on the community level.
Please mark the date on your calendar.
Squarely yours,
Lorna and Gordy
I didn't think I would see the day when I thought 31 degrees was warm. It is nice to come out of the icebox.
Last Thursday's lessons had two squares and several extra folk who gallantly installed the decorations for our Black and White Ball on Friday.
Friday's dance was relatively well attended with four plus squares considering it was cold and icy out. Galen Sauve and Karen put on a fun dance with choreography combinations that were out of the box. Many smiles were to be seen around the room.
Saturday we caravaned to the Whirlybirds for their disco dance. Thirteen and a half Samena's attended (Brayden was the half) as a special thank you, the Whirlybirds invited the Samena club to return on Saturday the 13th of April to dance for half price
We are committed to caravaning to the Rainbow Squares that day, however, this may be a closer venue for some of our members.
Lessons continue this week. For you students who have missed several lessons due to the holidays and weather, I highly recommend you attend. Stephen will catch you up. Please don't think it's too late and you're too far out of the loop.
On another note, Lorna is in a tough struggle in her battle to beat cancer. Please send healing thoughts, energy and prayers her way.
See you in a square,
Gordon Ball
Hello Samena's
Y'all have recently received Lori's email about lessons tonight (Jan 11 7:00 PM) During lessons we will be decorating for our "Black and White Ball '' dancing Friday Jan 12th. Gaylen Sauve will be calling plus from 7:30 to 8:00 and Mainstream 8:00 to 10:00 Karen Neverdowski will be cueing the rounds. I am confident lowland snow will not be a problem.
Furthermore, The Samena's have committed to caravan to the Whirlybirds on Saturday the 13th. Dance will be held at the 'Hayloft' 15320 35th ave W, Lynnwood. Karen Neverdowski cueing pre rounds at 7:30 and Main stream at 8:00 with Dave Harry. (Saturday Night Live..70's is the theme) Please wear your red and black caravan outfits.
For your calendar, Sunday February 4th we are caravaning to the Freewheelers dancing at the Cedar Valley Grange 20526 52nd Ave W, Lynnwood. Debbie Taylor will cue the pre rounds starting at 6:30 and Roger Spies will call Mainstream from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.
A couple of our regular angels will be missing tonight. Please drop in to support our current crop of students.
Looking forward to dancing with as many Samena's as can make it this week. It is a busy three days.
Squarely yours,
Lorna and Gordy
We had a great turnout to decorate the Hall last saturday. The artistic in the bunch came up with a very festive layout, while the muscle bound hunks put up the garlands. Several folks brought goodies, the hall provided the pizza, eggnog was poured and a good time was had by all.
The deadline for ordering the 2024 Samena calendar is December 1st. Call or email Lee or Lorna (425) 820-4188 to place your order. Last year's cost was $20.00. Lee continues to outdo himself and build a calendar that will spark memories and give you a great spot to note your upcoming dates.
For those wanting to dance off a little turkey and support the square dance community, Stephen Cole is putting on a Black Friday (November 24th) level dance at the hall from Noon to 2:00 PM. The goal is primarily to dance. If square mageddon happens, a quick walkthrough of the offending call will be offered, and back to dancing.
It's that time of the year so if you wish to participate this is a Toys For Tots event - suitable new and unwrapped toys to donate or a monetary donation are welcome.
We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week.
See you in a square
Gordon Ball
Hello Samenas,
First up Our opportunities to collect donations for Toys for Tots are greatly reduced this year due to the holiday dance schedule. We will be setting up the bins this Thursday during lessons and decorating. The Samenas have generously contributed to this worthy cause in the past. We are hoping some of the other hall renters will join in as well.
Second batter Please RSVP to Skip regarding the potluck and Caravan this Saturday the 11th ( (206) 226 3861) We will be wearing our black and red outfits to the dance.
Third up Lee Barnhart, club photographer, wants to know how many would be interested in purchasing a Samena calendar if he made one again this year. Cost last year was $20. Please respond to Lee @ The calendar has been first rate. Claire and I have purchased one each year since we became members.
Hello Samenas!
Have you heard? We’re doing a fundraiser selling the fabulous, tasty, hefty, juicy Remlinger Farms pies for only $15.00!
The last day to place orders is November 16th.
See the flyer on the Samenas Home page for details.
Gordon Ball
11/3/23 (updated)
Hello Samena's
Opportunities abound for fun and frolic in the near future. Friday the 10th is our Military Appreciation dance. Andy Garboden will call and Karen will cue the rounds. We are beginning to have more than a square of plus dancers at the 7:30 time slot prior to Mainstream at 8:00 PM. It is great to see more of you jumping back in at the plus level.
On Saturday the 11th, we are caravaning to Fern Bluff Squares for their "turkey lurkey" level dance. There will be pre-rounds at 7:30 and mainstream from 8:00 to 10:00 PM. The location is the South Lake Stevens Grange, 2109 103rd Ave SE, Lake Stevens, WA. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE for all of our students. This dance is a level dance and is an excellent opportunity to get some floor time to a different caller. I encourage ya'll to take the plunge and have some fun.
ADDITIONALLY, Skip and Linda Fuller will host a potluck at their home, 10211 7th PL SE, Lake Stevens, WA at 5:00 PM. This is an excellent opportunity to meet where we can talk and get to know each other. Students have a chance to meet more of the members than those currently angeling at lessons.
We will need an RSVP from those planning to attend the potluck. Please email, message or call Skip ( 206-226-3861) and cc me at so we know how many chairs are needed.
I trust ya'll have Saturday the 18th on your calendar from 11:00 AM to 4 PM to gather and decorate our hall for the Christmas Season. We go all out and it is a ton of fun. We will have sugar and caffeine for you to rev up your system.
Now we are decorating through the lunch hour, bring a plate of cookies or finger food. The Club will supply drinks, coffee and fruit
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Gordon Ball with Lorna Barnhart
(Comment from Skip Fuller, Caravan Chair: )
Greetings fellow Samena Squares Members. This is Skip Fuller, your caravan coordinator. We have a wonderful caravan coming up this Saturday 10/21.
We will be caravanning to Skagit Squares for their Hobo Dance. Gunther Munroe will call this dance and our own Karen Neverdowski will cue. They dance from 7:30 to 10:00 PM. With the first half hour being rounds. They dance at Mount Vernon Senior Center. Their address is 1401 Cleveland Ave. Mount Vernon. Several of us will be going up a little early to have dinner at the Appleby’s at 188 Cascade Mall Drive in Burlington. We will meet there at 6:00PM so as to have enough time to eat and get to the dance on time. If anybody has any question, feel free to call me on my cell. 206 226 3861. Give me a heads up if you are attending.
Many regards
Skip Fuller
October 16, 2023
Hello Samena's,
There are several events right around the corner. Your social committee has been busy putting together a slate of activities guaranteed to bring fun, frivolity and congregation.
This Saturday is our first caravan of the season to the Skagit Squares. Location is the Mount Vernon Senior Center, 1401 Cleveland, Mount Vernon. Pre -rounds at 7:30. Mainstream at 8:00 PM. Contact Skip or Bernie regards a pre dance get together to eat.
October 27th is our first level dance of the year. Stephen Cole will be calling, Cat dangles will be available to the dancers. We will have plus tips at 7:30 and Mainstream at 8:00
The Mystery Caravan is planned for October 28th. All participants signed up must meet in the Goodwill parking lot at 9:00 AM for directions and the famous Le Mans start.
We had a quarterly meeting slated for November 4th, however, the hall is booked and our first "Guess who's coming to dinner" is planned for the same evening. In lieu of a face to face meeting, your executive committee will keep you up to speed with reports.
Guess who's coming to dinner is scheduled for November 4th. I trust you received the email from Bernie on the way to participate.
We will be having a "holiday decoration' event at the hall November 18th from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We will 'gussie" up the hall and leave the decor up till after Christmas.
Our annual Christmas party is on the calendar for December 9th at 5 PM. The meal will be catered by the Olive Garden. The Samena version of the gift exchange will be the cat's meow. And it will offer time to visit with old friends and meet some new ones.
This Thursday is the fourth session of this year's lessons (you might remember the first three lessons were free). From here on out, new dancers will be "in it to win it '' There have been several angels from other clubs attending and several stalwart Samenas. Come on out and angel. It's an opportunity to introduce yourself to the new students and a chance for them to dance with new partners.
The Samena Squares are participating in the annual "Toys for Tot's" program. Collection bins for new unwrapped toys will be available at our November 10th and our December 8th dance.
The T 4 T's representative will pick up the donations at our Christmas party.
I am looking forward to the season for fun, friends, food, dance, and mystery too!
Warmest regards Lorna and Gordy
September 18, 2023
There are currently eighteen members attending the Winthrop Barn Dance. Dance dress is as follows: Friday night, wear your blue polo or anything that has a Samena logo on it and your name tag. Saturday street dance, comfortable for the weather and your nametag. Saturday day rounds or plus, casual clothes and name tags. Saturday eve mainstream dance, wear your black and red caravan outfits
Our lessons commence Thursday the 28th at 7:00. Reminder, the first three lessons are free. If you have people you would like to introduce to square dance, bring them out. Angels are an important ingredient to successful lessons (both to support student learning and to promote the club). Be an angel (double entender on purpose).
The October 13th dance will feature Dan Preedy calling. I encourage all you Samenas to attend and promote the heck out of it. He is nationally known, skillful and fun. He will be one of the three callers at the Barn Dance. We have worked for several years to contract him for the 23/24 season and I would hate for ya'll to miss the opportunity.
Please check the web site for the caravan schedule and populate your personal calendar. Our first excursion is Saturday Oct 21st to the Skagit Squares.
Last but not least, look for an email announcing the Mystery Caravan, as many details as can be revealed, and the call for attendees.
Squarely yours,
Lorna and Gordy,
September 4, 2023
Hello Samenas,
This will be somewhat lengthy, however, I will do my best to be succinct.
Our dance season kicks off this Friday (8th) with Steve Noseck and Karen Neverdowski. Welcome Back is the theme and you can feel free to 'clown' around. We are expecting Bill to bring some one liners to tickle your funny bone. We are opening the kitchen so please feel free to bring potluck snacks that are readily self served without cutting and spooning onto a plate. I really hope the great preponderance of the club will be there to have fun and get back into the swing of things
Don't forget we are dark Friday the 22nd as the club is caravaning to the Winthrop Barn Dance. There is still time to get your tickets. Contact Lorna for the inside track.
September is Club membership renewal month. Dues are payable by the end of the month. To make life a little easier, Lily will take your credit card at our opener (this Friday) and at lessons commencing Thursday the 28th. You may send a check to Nickole Dixson 7614 NE Bothell Way #17. Kenmore WA 98028 payable to Samena squares. Dues are now $100 for the year.
The MBC-sponsored Angel workshop will be held at 2:30-4:30 on Sunday, 9/10 at TriWay Grange in Mill Creek, hosted with the Square Crows. Stephen Cole, instructing.
Be sure to check the caravan calendar on the website (our first excursion is scheduled October 21st to the Skagit Squares). For me it was important to get these dates on my calendar. This is a big year to support and be supported by other clubs.
Do you have friends and/or acquaintances that you would love to join our family? Bring them to our free "No experience introductory dance" at JCC on Thursday Sept 14th from 7 to 9 PM Stephen Cole, calling. Club lessons will kick off on 9/28 and will be weekly on Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm, Stephen Cole, instructor.
Whew! that's all for now.
See you all soon,