Bulletin Board 2024-25
This is a place to find postings of dance events and other information received from outside of the club.
BC Square & Round Dance Festival 2025 News
Jean Galbraith <jeangal2010@yahoo.ca>
received Aug 23, 2024
Hello to you, our square and round dance neighbors. The Fraser Valley BC Square & Round Dance Association, located in and around Vancouver, BC Canada, is undertaking the job of advertising our upcoming Festival hosted by the Province of British Columbia, for all square and round dancers to enjoy the festivities and great events planned. We are holding the Festival in July/Aug. 2025, one week after the US West Convention in Spokane, Wash., and we hope that you will help spread the word to your dancers and friends about what we hope to be a great vacation opportunity. Our Festival will be in Langley, BC, and it is full of great things to enjoy while you take in our Festival. Please take time to read our attached invitation, giving you an idea of the various things to enjoy in this area besides a first-class Festival, and check our poster and registration form, and please share them with anyone you feel it would interest. Let us know when you register what events, dance themes, and tours you’d like to participate in. This helps us plan our Festival. And remember, the amount of registration increases on Sept. 1, 2024. Thank you for your time and consideration. – Jean Galbraith, Advertising, BC Square & Round Dance Festival 2025.

Great Dance Ideas from Fraser Valley,
Jean Galbraith, BC <jeangal2010@yahoo.ca>
posted 9/24/24
Exciting events are coming to our Fraser Valley this season, so be prepared.
First up, all aboard for the Train Dance with Steve Edlund, Ray Brendzy, and Steve Noseck on Oct. 3 at Delta Hotels by Marriott Burnaby Conference Center, 4331 Dominion Street, Burnaby. With rounds starting at 7 pm provided by Cavness, Rooney, and Parsons, and Plus dancing at 7:30 pm this should be an exciting evening. Steve Noseck is joining our boys in the calling at it’s terrific to enjoy our out-of-town guests. Tickets $10, and check Steve Edlund’s website at www.squaredancewithsteve.com for more info.
Next, enjoy the Gala Winter Wonderland with Ray Brendzy and Tony Oxendine on Nov. 23, at Bonsor Rec. Complex, 6550 Bonsor Ave., Burnaby. Bonsor has great parking and a nearby food court in Metrotown, so plan to take in both the afternoon and evening dances here. The evening dance features Cheryl Salter cueing pre-rounds at 7 pm, and then MS level with Plus tips. Tony is treating our area to his calling style, all the way from South Carolina, and if you want a sneak preview check out his website at tonyoxendine.com. An afternoon Plus level dance is from 2-4 pm as well, to complete a great square dance day. Evening tickets must be purchased in advance, at $20 per person/$10 per teen (same price as last year), and the afternoon dance is cash only at $10 per person. If you present your evening ticket at the door for the afternoon dance, you’ll get a discount of $5, so that’s the best deal in town for this level of entertainment. For evening tickets, see the people with the “ASK ME” badge, or call Dave Hammer at 604-501-0563 or Alex Galbraith at 604-594-6415.
And in the summer of our next dance season, of course, there’s BC Square Dance Festival 2025 in late July/early August with callers coming from across the continent to entertain us. The Langley venue has convenient parking, mostly air conditioned halls, and wooden dance floors. Plans are underway for a Trail In dance, a Trail Out dance, a possible sock hop, an Under The Sea theme salute to our West Coast, a banner and club outfit dance, some fun tours, and many other exciting events, so invest some thought into registering now and get your favourite dance level the space it deserves. To register, go to bcfestival2025reg@gmail.com and join in the fun.
With all this talent in our Fraser Valley, and all the talent coming in to join us for some fun, it should shape up to be a great dance season, don’t you think?
Thank you for your time and consideration. – Jean Galbraith, Advertising, BC Square Dance Festival 2025